Default settings are set to html/php >> css/scss/less/sass/stylus flow.
To change file types you want to get selectors from use HTML to CSS autocompletion extension configuration from command palette or VSCode user settings.
Extension features
Intellisense suggestions/completions for classes and ids from markup documents to CSS, SCSS, Less, Sass, Stylus stylesheets
Configuration of file types, files, folders or workspaces to work with
How to configure
Enter HTML to CSS autocompletion: Extension Configuration from the command palette
Or find html-to-css-autocompletion configuration entries in VSCode user settings
Configuration options
Shows completion list only on '#'/'.' character entries. Default: disable
Defines scope for extension to work with. Options: multi-root: all selectors found within all root folders will be visible to defined stylesheets. This is Default autocompletion provider's scope. workspace: all selectors found within particular workspace folder/project will be visible to stylesheets within that workspace folder. linked files: selectors will be provided only for linked stylesheets.
Defines file types to be searched for classes and ids. Default: html, php
Defines only specific folder names to be searched. Default: ''
Defines folder names to be excluded from being searched. Default: node_modules
Set custom glob pattern to get classes/ids from matched files. E.g.: **/{folderName1,folderName2,...}/*.{fileType1,fileType2,...}
Set custom glob pattern to exclude search on pattern matches. E.g.: **/{folderName1,folderName2,...}/**
If you have any issues or would like to contribute to the development of this extension please drop by at github/github issues.
Forks, pull request are welcome.
If you find this extension helpful consider donating to help keep it alive.