Snipshelf for Visual Studio Code
Snipshelf is a VS Code plugin for productivity and reusability to saving your time!.
Press F1 or ⌘ + Shift + P and type install . Pick Extensions: Install Extension .
Type Snipshelf and hit enter .
Press F1 or ⌘ + Shift + P then type snip:auth .
Enter your api key, then press enter .
To Push any Snippet
Select any part of code that you want to save.
Press F1 or ⌘ + Shift + P then type snip:push .
Select a Name for your Snippet and Press Enter .
To Pull any Snippet
Press F1 or ⌘ + Shift + P then type snip:pull .
Select a Snippet from the list or search for one and Press Enter .
Click the Extensions sidebar item in VS Code.
Type Snipshelf and hit enter.
Click the settings icon next to WakaTime, then click Uninstall.
Uh oh ! Gives us some time, We are going to make it open-source :)
Made with a Smile by the CrazySage.
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