Hound Search
Hound search, clone, launch.
Provides a Hound search client that on selection:
- checks for matching local repos in a configurable set of root project directories
- prompts to clone repos that do not exist locally
- launches search results in the program of your choice
Available Commands
- Hound: Search: Launch the searcher
- Hound: Refresh Local Projects: Rescan the set of local repo roots
Search for 'Hound Search' in the Visual Studio Code's extension manager
Local installation of git
Hound config with keys in the "repos" following a namespace/repo structure
"repos": {
"szinsli/vscode-hound": {
"url": "git@bitbucket.org:szinsli/vscode-hound.git"
"otherNamespace/otherRepo": {
"url": ...
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
hound.url : API endpoint for your hound installation e.g. http://localhost:6080
hound.repoPattern : pattern to use to create a repo URL for a given namespace and repo name.
namespace : the owner namespace of the repo
repo : the name of the repo itself
e.g. git@github.com:${namespace}/${repo}.git
hound.localRepoRoots : array of directories for this extension to search for repos non-recursively
e.g. ["~/projects"]
hound.launchers : array of launcher configs containing:
launch : command to launch when a search result is selected.
Takes the following substitutions (using the ${substitution} syntax):
folder : the local repo directory path
fileName : the relative filepath of the match within the repo
lineNumber : line number of the match
matchers : an array of rule objects. Any single match will enable the launcher.
Can contain one of the following:
containsFile : the launcher will match if the repo contains a file with this name (e.g. {"containsFile": "index.html"} )
nameMatchesRegex : the launcher will match if the supplied regex matches the repo name (e.g. {"nameMatchesReges": "some.*thing"} )
hasExtension : the launcher will match if the selected file has the supplied extension (e.g. {"hasExtension": "java"} )
"hound.launchers": [
"launch": "code ${folder} -g '${folder}/${fileName}:${lineNumber}'",
"matchers": [
{ "containsFile": "package.json": },
{ "hasExtension": "ts" }
Known Issues
Release Notes
Initial release
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