READMEVisual Studio Code Extension - SVG SnippetsThis is an for Visual Studio Code IDE. This extension provides the standard SVG code snippets used in all web applications. This saves you a lot of typing involved while writing SVG elements Installation
UsageType 'svg-' in any HTML file and select the required SVG element from the intellisense dropdown. That's it!! Supported - SVG elementsA<a>, <animate>, <animateMotion>, <animateTransform> C<circle>, <clipPath>, <cursor> D<defs>, <desc> E<ellipse> F<feBlend>, <feColorMatrix>, <feComponentTransfer>, <feComposite>, <feDiffuseLighting>, <feDistanLight>, <feFlood>, <feGaussianBlur>, <feImage>, <feMerge>, <feMergeNode>, <feMorphology>, <feOffset>, <fePointLight>, <feSpecularLighting>, <feSpotLight>, <feTile>, <feTurbulence>, <filter>, <foreignObject> G<g>, <glyph> I<image> L<line>, <linearGradient> M<marker>, <mask>, <missing-glyph>, <mpath> P<path>, <pattern>, <polygon>, <polyline> R<radialGradient>, <rect> S<script>, <set>, <stop>, <style>, <svg>, <switch> <symbol> T<text>, <textPath>, <title>, <tref>, <tspan> U<use> Future Roadmap<color-profile>, <feConvolveMatrix>, <feDisplacementMap>, <feFuncA>, <feFuncB>, <feFuncG>, <feFuncR> <font>, <font-face>, <font-face-format>, <font-face-name>, <font-face-src>, <font-face-uri>, <glyphRef>, <hkern>, <metadata>, <view>, <vkern> ContactIf you have any issues report them at Issues Source |