stopcoding READMEHi I've never written VScode extension before and I admire your courage of installing this package. If you are like me, an EECS student who simply do not believe in codings for consective hours, this package is for you. BTW I also happen to be a newbie in Javascript. (Sorry by C++/Python really should be the only two language permitted to use) FeaturesThis package will notify you once you've code for more than 2 hours. HUMANS SIMPLY DO NOT PRODUCE QUALITY CODE AFTER CODING FOR 2 HOURS:) If you disagree with the above statement, good luck fixing your bugs the next day. How to UseInstall and command + shift + p then >StopCoding RequirementsTo use this package, please make sure that you are not an EECS student of University of Michigan and have a project deadline within 24 hours. If you happen to be one of those, good luck and caffeine is your only hope. Enjoy! |