Navigate to the extension icon seen on the left sidebar (or open command palette (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P) and select 8x9craft: Focus 8x9craft2-view Extension View to open webview view.)
Recommended: move view panel to Right-side on vscode window.
2. Get server address
a) run your minecraft spigot server with 8x9craft2 pulugin.
e.g. "localhost:25569"
b) get from teacher.
e.g. ""
3. Start Multi Play
In minecraft java edition.
Start multi play.
Programming and Run:
0. Connect to server from extension
In Vscode 8x9craft2 extension view
Input "Server Address" and your minecraft "Player Id"
and click Connect button to login and get your entities.
1. Enjoy Programming!
In Vscode
Create your code with Typescript, JavaScript or Python.
Like this:
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Save it with file extension for programming language ".ts", ".js" or ".py"