English | Simplified Chinese
zknotes is a vscode plugin for applying zettelkasten notation.
Command + Shift + P/ ⇧⌘P / F1 Display Command Panel
Select new zk note , enter your title and it will automatically generate a markdown file based on yyyyMMddHHmm_yourtitle.
Support wiki-links with [[filename]] .
All zk files in the current directory are displayed when [[ is entered, and jump to the corresponding file is supported.
The wiki-links of [[]] show all zk files in the current directory when you type [[ and support jumping to the corresponding file.
Using vscode's peek definition F12 for block modifications
graph-view panel to demonstrate Graph neural networks
fork graph-view feature from markdown-links , thanks!
Command + Shift + P/ ⇧⌘P / F1 Display Command Panel
select graphView to generate the corresponding neural network diagram.
Release Notes
First release of zknotes .
Feature 1: zk formatted headers / timestamp headers
Feature 2: wiki-links support
Feature 1: fork feature from markdown-links , support graph view
- [x] timestamp title
- [x] wiki-links
- [ ] timestamp title add configuration
- [x] graph view
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