Groovy Lambda is a simple VS Code color theme optimised for Haskell, based on Gruvbox Material Dark.
Supports the TextMate scopes provided by the language haskell VS Code extension:
disambiguates between data constructors and types in data declarations,
visually clear appearance of qualified names,
distinguishes different uses of @: type application, record syntax or infix operator,
special highlighting for record fields,
highlights MagicHash and OverloadedLabels,
underlines recognised GHC language extensions.
To change how something is highlighted, proceed as follows:
While browsing code containing highlighting you'd like to change, start the TextMate scope inspector as follows:
open the VS Code Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P),
start typing "Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes" and select this item from the dropdown menu.
Click on the code whose highlighting you'd like to change; this will display the TextMate scopes associated to that piece of code. For instance, if in a Haskell source file is given the scope keyword.control.if.haskell.
Open your settings.json file:
open the VS Code Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P),
start typing "Open Settings (JSON)" and select this item from the dropdown menu.
Make the modifications by editing the value of editor.tokenColorCustomizations in your settings.
For instance, to highlight if and then in red and else in blue, one would write: