Attentio Theme
Enhance your coding sessions with the Attentio theme. Its sleek design and carefully selected colors improve readability and keep you focused.
- Dark Theme: A soothing dark background to reduce eye strain during long debugging sessions.
- Light Theme: Ideal for coding in well-lit environments or during the day, offering a clear view of your code.
- Cool-Toned Colors: A color palette that is easy on the eyes, helping you focus on solving problems.
- Syntax Highlighting: Custom token colors designed to make code more readable and error tracking a breeze.
1. Attentio Flow
2. Attentio Pulse
3. Attentio Glow
Recommended Settings
"editor.fontFamily": "'CommitMono'",
"editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01' on, 'ss02' on, 'ss03' on, 'ss04' on, 'ss05' on, 'cv01' on, 'cv03' on, 'cv06' on, 'cv08' on, 'cv11' on",
"editor.fontSize": 15,
"editor.lineHeight": 38,
"window.zoomLevel": 2,
"workbench.iconTheme": "symbols",
"symbols.hidesExplorerArrows": true,
"workbench.sideBar.location": "right",
"workbench.editor.showTabs": "single",
"workbench.tree.indent": 19,
"workbench.tree.renderIndentGuides": "none",
"explorer.compactFolders": false,
"editor.smoothScrolling": true,
"workbench.list.smoothScrolling": true,
"editor.cursorBlinking": "phase",
"editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": "on",
"window.menuBarVisibility": "compact",
Happy Coding!