Angular Language Service |
This extension improves the experience of editing the Angular templates, providing autocompletion of variables and functions and failure detection |
markdownlint |
It allows to highlight the errors of format in *.md files and gives us clues on how to solve them |
ESLint |
It integrates ESLint linter to highlight errors in code |
Git History |
It allows a better use of Git, allowing to see the history and the details in a graph, etc. |
GitLens — Git supercharged |
It allows to see information of the last commit made on each line of code |
EditorConfig for VS Code |
This plugin attempts to override user/workspace settings with settings found in .editorconfig files |
Prettier - Code formatter |
An opinionated code formatter |
Debugger for Firefox |
It allows to debug our code from the Visual Studio, using Firefox as a browser |
Path Autocomplete |
Provides path completion for visual studio code |
Angular Snippets |
It allows you to insert pieces of Angular and HTML code using certain keywords that begin with "a-". For more information about all available snippets, you can check the plugin details page |
TypeLens |
It adds reference counter code lenses to typescript, javascript, scss and less files |
Format in context menus |
This VSCode extension allows the user to format one or multiple files with right-click context menu |
VS Live Share |
It enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time. You'll need a Microsoft account to login |
Angular2-inline |
It allows coloring the CSS and HTML code found in the 'inline' templates of the components |
Jest |
It allows manage and run unit tests with Jest |
SonarLint |
It enables the common Sonar rules to be checked |
Stylelint |
It integrates Stylelint linter to highlight errors in code |
Generate Translation |
It allows to generate file translations to use in Angular project |
Formatting Toggle |
It allows to enable/disable the ability of formating the code when saving or pasting code |
VSCode Icons |
It shows different icons for each type of file |
Import Cost |
It shows the cost in Kb of every dependence imported |
IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML |
It allows to autocomplete the CSS classes, using the style sheets that are configured in the project |