A Perl source code analyzer for VSCode
- Validates perl code on the fly
This extension requires Perl::Critic is installed
cpan install Perl::Critic (cpan)
ppm install Perl-Critic (ActivePerl)
sudo apt install libperl-critic-perl (Ubuntu/Debian)
sudo yum install perl-Perl-Critic (CentOS/RedHat)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
perlcritic.executable : path to perltidy executable (not required if perlcritic is already in your PATH)
perlcritic.severity : severity level (default: gentle, options: 'gentle', 'stern', 'harsh', 'cruel' or 'brutal')
perlcritic.maxNumberOfProblems : the maximum number of problems to show at any given time (default: 10)
perlcritic.additionalArguments : any additional arguments for perlcritic
- NOTE: example for using a profile
"perlcritic.additionalArguments": ["--profile", "/your/path/to/.perlcriticrc"]
- NOTE: arguments that change the output format could result in errors e.g:
- --count
- --verbose
- --statistics-only
- --list
- --list-enabled
- --list-themes
- --profile-proto
- -C
- --pager
- --doc
- These arguments will be stripped out if added
- However, they could result in errors if included in a perlcritic.cfg file
You are welcome to help make this extension better by reporting issues or opening pull requests at
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