Create the object for the resource you want to add. The object should have the following properties:
id: a unique identifier for the resource
displayLabel: the label that will be displayed in the resources view.
downloadResource: a function that will be called when the user clicks on the the download resource button. This function should return a promise that resolves to the object of the downloaded resource.
getResourceDisplayData: a function that will be called to get a list of available resources to be rendered in the view.
openResource: a function that will be called when the user clicks on open the resource in the resources view. This function should return a promise that resolves to the object of the opened resource.
NB: For the correct types to use for the properties, you can use the types library that is installable from npm called @codex-extensions/resource-manager-types. Or, you can refer to the definition of some resources in the following example section.