node_modules Dependency Viewer
No more endless scrolling through the node_modules folder to find the package you wanna look into
- Show nested view of project node_modules and treestructure of child dependencies
- Normal and dev dependency seperation
- Direct access to module folder/file if available in root node_modules
- Rightclick a dependency to open on
- Fast and effecient overview of direct project dependencies and subdependencies
- Based of the vscode-extension-samples/tree-view-sample
- Slimmed down to just include the needed (just the Node dependencies view)
- Rename the package to prevent possible namespace collision
- Added some TreeItem classes to accomodate for files, folders and seperators
- All media resources kindly borrowed from source project (files follow the icon theme of the workspace)
Planned updates
- Configuration options to modify behaviour
- Parse more information from the package.json of the modules
- More fun stuff to do in the context menu
- Implement normal file contex menu if possible (when I figure out how)
- Anyone and everyone are welcome to give suggestions or contribute to the development
And maybe
- Directly install new dependencies
- Remove dependencies
- Get the reload thingy to work (not sure it is needed)
Special thanks
To Microsoft for an awesome IDE and the very useful code examples
forivall for many improvements and bugfixes
Running the example from source
Get it from:
- Open this example in VS Code Insiders
npm install
npm run compile
F5 to start debugging
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