A simple VS Code extension that copies selected text with formatted line numbers and an optional file path header.
Line Numbering:
Prepends each line of the selected text with its corresponding line number. The line numbers are formatted to align based on the total number of lines (e.g., 2 digits for 10–99 lines, 3 digits for 100–999 lines).
Optional File Path:
When enabled, the extension can insert the relative file path as the first line of the copied text.
Customizable Spacing:
Configurable option to add extra spaces after the line numbers for better readability.
VS Code version 1.96.0 or later.
A workspace with a valid file open.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings to VS Code:
copyWithLineNumbers.addFilePath Type: Boolean Default: false Description: Include the file's relative path as a header in the copied text.
copyWithLineNumbers.addExtraSpaces Type: Boolean Default: true Description: Insert two extra spaces after each line number.
How It Works
Select Text:
Highlight the code or text in your editor.
Run Command:
Trigger the command Copy with line numbers from the Command Palette (Cmd+Shift+P on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+P on other platforms).
Copy to Clipboard:
The extension processes the selection by:
Calculating the appropriate width for line numbers based on the total lines (using logarithmic calculation).
Formatting each line with a padded line number and optional extra spaces.
Optionally prepending the file’s relative path.
Copying the final formatted text to the clipboard.
You can now paste the formatted text wherever needed.
Debugging & Development
Running the Extension:
Press F5 to launch a new VS Code window with your extension loaded and test your changes.
A sample unit test is provided in src/test/formatting.test.ts. Run tests using the VS Code testing view or via the command line with npm run test.
Release Notes
Initial release of the extension with customizable line numbering and optional file path header.