vscode-memo-life-for-you README
Japanese README is here
This extension is for writing notes in the markdown format to the VS code.
Notes are placed in a single directory and are managed with filename based on date.
- Compatibility of memo command configuration file
and placement directory
- Memo: New/Edit/Grep/Config does not require the memo command.
- If you use Memo: Serve, you need to install memo command.
- Inspired by memo (Memo Life For You)
The following commands are supported.
Memo: New
- create memo (memo command is not necessary)
Memo: Edit
- list/edit memo (memo command is not necessary)
Memo: Grep
- grep memo (memo command is not necessary)
Memo: Config
- configure (memo command is not necessary)
Memo: Serve
- start http server (Requires memo command)
Unique command (memo command is not necessary):
Memo: Today's quick Memo
- Append to the file of today's date
Memo: Re:Date
- Change the date included in the file name to today's date
Memo: Todo
- Output items matching the specified pattern (experimental)
Memo: Open Memo Folder
- Open the folder where the memo is stored in the new instance
Memo: New
Create a file with the entered value as title
and filename
When you press enter with empty, create a file with YY-MM-DD.md
. If a file with the same name already exists, it opens the file without overwriting it.
When text is selected (selected on vscode or copy) on the editor and the command is executed, it can be used for title and file name.
The file is opened to the VS Code instance that executed the Memo: Edit
The file is opened with preview
Markdown Preview can be displayed at the same time by setting option memo-life-for-you.openMarkdownPreview
Memo: Today's quick Memo
- Open the
file if it exists. If it does not exist, create it and open.
- Every time you open, add a timestamp on the bottom line. example:
## 2017-10-19 Thu 06:38
- You can insert ISOweek and random-Emoji into the timestamp. example:
## [Week: 42/52] 😸 42 2017-10-19 Thu 06:26
- When text is selected on the editor and the command is executed, it can be used for title name.
- Since the writing is done, the file is opened with
not preview
Memo: Edit
List the file name and the first line of the file as memo list
or memo edit
The files to be displayed in the list have only .md
and .txt
extensions (default). Can be changed in the memo-life-for-you.listDisplayExtname
"memo-life-for-you.listDisplayExtname": [
Filter by keyword.
You can move the list with the keyboard (up/down cursor keys). And you can preview file contents
Markdown Preview can be displayed at the same time by setting option memo-life-for-you.openMarkdownPreview
selected file will be opened in the VS Code instance that executed the Memo: Edit
The file is opened with preview
At the same time, generate Memo List
output panel which outputs file list.
About markdown display during file selection
- it is also possible to display Markdown Preview by setting
"memo-life-for-you.listMarkdownPreview": true
. However, in order to use this function, the Markdown preview Enhanced extension must be installed.
- Markdown preview is displayed only when operating the keyboard.
- You can cancel by pressing the
Memo: Grep
- Use
included in VS Code distribution.
- By entering keyword or pattern, the search results are displayed on Quick Picker.
- Open by selecting a file and move the cursor to the corresponding line and column
- selected file will be opened in the VS Code instance that executed the
Memo: Grep
- The file is opened with
- At the same time, generate
Memo Grep
output panel which outputs file list.
built-in ripgrep options
Picker Items is created from the output of ripgrep
command. Therefore, picker items may not be generated correctly depending on the output.
You do not need to install it separately to use ripgrep that ships with VS Code.
Options to use:
-- Show results with every match on its own line, including line numbers and column numbers.
--color never
-- Do not use color in output.
-g *.md
-- Include *.md files for searching that match the given glob.
-- Search case insensitively if the pattern is all lowercase.
ripgrep configuration file (Available in vscode 1.22 or later (ripgrep 0.8.1))
You can specify options individually by preparing the ripgrep configuration file.
If memo-life-for-you.memoGrepUseRipGrepConfigFile
is set to true
, $HOME/.ripgreprc (Windows example:
is used as the configuration file.
In addition, you can specify the configuration file. To use an arbitrary file, set the absolute path of the configuration file in memo-life-for-you.memoGrepUseRipGrepConfigFilePath
. (Example: "memo-life-for-you.memoGrepUseRipGrepConfigFilePath": "/Users/satokaz/.vscode-ripgreprc"
If the configuration file does not exist, an error occurs.
The following option is mandatory;
Same settings as built-in options:
--color never
See: https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/blob/master/GUIDE.md#configuration-file
Memo: Config
- Open configure file on VS Code.
Memo: Serve
- Requires memo command. If you do not need this function, you do not need to install the memo command.
- Execute
memo serve
, start the built-in http server of the memo command. and display it in the browser. Manually you need to kill the process manually.
Memo: Todo (experimental)
- Output items matching the specified pattern. The default pattern is
- It matches the pattern by writing
as shown below
### todo example
* [ ] @todo: Submit to customer due:2018-04-18
* [x] Thank Mom for the meatballs @phone @todo: Impression of meatball
- @todo: Get back to the boss
Memo: Open Chrome with <html contenteditable>
It is useful for "copy and paste" from an editor or preview and saving to a file.
- Chrome must be installed
- Launch chrome with simple notepad mode
Execute select-all (Ctrl + A or ⌘A )and copy (Ctrl + C or ⌘C) on the vscode preview on the right side. Paste (Ctrl + P or ⌘P) to the Chroem on the left side:
In vscode insiders 1.26, select-all (ctrl + a or ⌘A) is supported in preview
With the memo-life-for-you.openChromeCustomizeURL
setting, you can customize it to your preferred URL.
"memo-life-for-you.openChromeCustomizeURL": "data:text/html, <html contenteditable>"
When customizing, the comment column of https://coderwall.com/p/lhsrcq/one-line-browser-notepad is helpful.
Memo: Open Typora
macOS only enabled
Open the file that is opened in the active markdown editor with Typora.
You need to install typora.
Memo Template support
You can use memo template using Go's text/template format. A template receives the following attributes.
Date (format: %Y-%m-%d)
title: {{.Title}}
date: {{.Date}}
title: test
date: 2019-11-13
glidenote/memolist.vim's template format is not supported.
About the configuration file
If configuration files and directories do not exist, they are automatically created for the first time.
This file can also be used as it is with the memo command.
memodir - Destination directory of memo file (Required for this extension)
memotemplate - Destination file path of template file (Optional)
editor - editor command (not used by this extension)
column - Number of display columns (not used by this extension)
selectcmd - selector command (not used by this extension)
grepcmd - grep command (not used by this extension)
assetsdir - (not used by this extension)
pluginsdir - (not used by this extension)
templatedirfile - (not used by this extension)
default configuration:
memodir = "/Users/satokaz/.config/memo/_posts"
memotemplate = ""
editor = "code"
column = 20
selectcmd = "peco"
grepcmd = "/Applications/Visual\\ Studio\\ Code\\ -\\ Insiders.app/Contents/Resources/app/node_modules/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg -n --no-heading -S ${PATTERN} ${FILES}"
assetsdir = ""
pluginsdir = ""
templatedirfile = ""
memodir = "C:\\Users\\Sato\\AppData\\Roaming\\memo\\_posts"
memotemplate = ""
editor = "code"
column = 20
selectcmd = "peco"
grepcmd = "grep -nH ${PATTERN} ${FILES}"
assetsdir = ""
pluginsdir = "C:\\Users\\Sato\\AppData\\Roaming\\memo\\plugins"
templatedirfile = ""
templatebodyfile = ""
Better TOML - Visual Studio Marketplace: Recommend to handle TOML file Extension
For windows: From the memo command, I do not know how to write the path to execute ripgrep that is included in VS Code. Therefore, it is necessary to set the grep command individually in Windows environment.
(ripgrep command path: c:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code Insiders\resources\app\node_modules\vscode-ripgrep\bin\rg
About the memo command
If you use Serve command, This extension requires the memo command to work correctly.
should be installed already
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Path to memo command (If you use Serve command)
- ex: Mac/Linux:
- ex: Windows:
: server address (If you use Serve command)
memo serve --addr :8083
= ex: "memo-life-for-you.serve-addr": "8083" (default: "8080")
: Follow format of date-fns. See: https://date-fns.org/v2.16.1/docs/format (default: "yyyy-MM-dd ddd HH:mm")
: Insert ISO Week when "Memo: Today's quick Memo" is executed
: Insert random-Emoji when "Memo: Today's quick Memo" is executed
example: ## [Week: 42/52] 😸 42 2017-10-19 Thu 06:26
"memo-life-for-you.dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd ddd HH:mm",
"memo-life-for-you.insertISOWeek": true,
"memo-life-for-you.insertEmoji": true,
: Display birthtime of file in Memo: Edit
additionally (default: false)
: Search results show keyword background color
: Search results show line background color
: Open Markdown Preview at the same time as opening the file in the editor (default: false)
: Launch a new instance to create a new memo
: Controls the order of Memo: List display. Selectable from filename
or birthtime
or mtime
: Do you want ripgrep to work with the configuration file (default: $HOME/.ripgreprc)
: If you set memoGrepUseRipGrepConfigFile to ture and want to use ripgrep config file located further in a specific place, set the path of config file (example: /Users/satokaz/.vscode-ripgreprc)
: Define a pattern to recognize as Todo. (default: ^.@todo.?:)
: Use the string stored in OS clipboard as the name of the newly created file (defaut: false),
: Use the selected string on vscode as the name of the newly create file (default: false),
: Add a date related suffix after filename prefix (yyyy-MM-dd). The added string is passed to datefns.format(). See: https://date-fns.org/v2.16.1/docs/format (default: empty).
- If you specify
, the filename is 2018-05-24-Thursday.md
- If you specify
, the filename is 2018-05-24-21.md
- If you add a string, some characters may be formatted by datefns.format(). If you do not want to format it please escape the character with
: If memo-life-for-you.openMarkdownPreview
is set to true
, use Markdown Preview Enhanced
(https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced) to open preview (default: false)"
: Define a customized URL for the Memo: Open Chrome with <html contenteditable>
: When executing Memo: Today's Quick Memo
, it automatically inserts the specified prefix string of the title
built-in snippets
- "prefix": "insert date" - Add a snippet to enter the time of the format such as
## 2019-07-01 Mon 09:53
Transpare quickitem list
You can transparentize the quickitem list which displays the file list and search results.
However, this setting also affects the sidebar.
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"quickInput.background": "#262626DD" // For a Dark theme
// "quickInput.background": "#F0F0F0DD" //For a light theme
The vscode command below will help you:
Execute View: Open Previous Recently Used Editor
from the command palette.
Alternatively, assign the workbench.action.openPreviousRecentlyUsedEditor
command to a shortcut key.
How to keep quickopen from closing when you lose focus
Without losing Memo:list or grep results, You can operate the editor and so on.
Add the following to the settings:
"workbench.quickOpen.closeOnFocusLost": false
Known Issues
- If you open a file, the repository information that contains that file will be added to SCM view. (See [When I Open Just One File in Initialized Git Folder - Source Control Shows Number of Changed Files · Issue #35555 · Microsoft/vscode](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/35555))
Licensed under the MIT License.