Navigate by jumping from bracket to bracket!
Travel in an editor by bracket! Simply jump to the nearest bracket left or right, or "ascend" by jumping to the bracket enclosing the nearest or matching level of scope.
The following included commands jump simply to the nearest left or right bracket (system-specific keybindings are provided).
bracket-jumper.jumpLeft: { Mac: ctrl+left, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+left }
bracket-jumper.jumpRight: { Mac: ctrl+right, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+right }
bracket-jumper.selectLeft: { Mac: ctrl+shift+left, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+shift+left }
bracket-jumper.selectRight: { Mac: ctrl+shift+right, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+shift+right }
The following commands "ascend", by jumping to the nearest or matching scope-delimiting bracket (system specific keybindings are provided).
bracket-jumper.ascendLeft: { Mac: ctrl+up, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+up }
bracket-jumper.ascendRight: { Mac: ctrl+down, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+down }
bracket-jumper.selectAscendLeft: { Mac: ctrl+shift+up, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+shift+up }
bracket-jumper.selectAscendRight: { Mac: ctrl+shift+down, Windows/Linux: ctrl+alt+shift+down }
By default, the characters { } [ ] ( )
are considered "brackets" - this list is configurable in Settings.
This extension replaces and extends functionality of VSCode's native editor.action.jumpToBracket
Please let me know of any bugs or feature requests via the issues page!
Release Notes