With this extension you'll be able generates module with pre-defined templates.
This extension provides three options:
a. Create a module - which will create a module.
b. Create a page - which will create a page inside a specified module.
c. Create a component - which will create a component inside a specified module.
The module structure is as follows:
a. index.js - This is the entry file for module.
b. index.scss - Corresponding scss file for index.js.
c. constants - This is where all the constants for the modules are declared.
d. actions - This is where are the redux actions are declared.
e. reducer - This contains the state of the module.
f. saga - This where saga generators are declared.
g. Components - This is where all the components are declared.
h. Pages - This is where all the pages for the modules are declared.
Following files are modified:
a. Root reducer (/src/reducers.js).
b. Root saga (/src/sagas.js).
c. routePaths.js (new route paths are added for the module and pages).
d. Routes.js (new routes are added for the module and pages).
Before using the any of the commands, you have to create the config file. Where you have to mention following things:
a. Select the workspace where you want to create modules.
b. module path: Where are the modules are created (/src/modules/).
c. sagas path: Where all the sagas are combined (/src/sagas.js).
d. reducers path: Where all the reducers are combined (/src/reducers.js).
e. routePaths path: Where all the route paths are declared (/src/routePaths.js).
f. Routes path: Where all the routes are declared (/src/Routes.js).
After adding the configurations, a config file will be created inside the workspace/.vscode.