vscode-show-scope README
Show scopes at cursor in active editor in output channel 'scopes'. Ofcourse there is a built-in command editor.action.inspectTMScopes
which shows scopes at cursor in active editor in a popup window (use escape to hide the popup). However, this information cannot be accesed programatically. This extension shows how to use the API exposed by the VSCode extension draivin.hscopes
const hscopes: any = vscode.extensions.getExtension('draivin.hscopes');
const token = hscopes.exports.getScopeAt(activeTextEditor.document, activeTextEditor.selection.active);
if (token) {
// Dump the token which has text, range and scopes srray
console.log(JSON.stingify(token, null, ' '));
The returned token looks like this:
"range": [
"line": 2,
"character": 25
"line": 2,
"character": 31
"text": "vscode",
"scopes": [
Show scopes at cursor in active editor in output channel 'scopes'. The matching text range is momentarily highlighted in yellow background.
is bound to Show scopes
is bound to Developer: Inspect Editor Tokens and Scopes
Depends on extension draivin.hscopes
Extension Settings
Known Issues
Release Notes
Initial release