Eda is an extension for VS Code to focus files in Explorer view.
If your project contains a large number of files, it will be difficult to find certain files from Explorer view. Eda limits shown files and it will be easier to find files.
Basic Usage
Option 1. Add exact files
Right-click on a file in Explorer view
Click Eda: Add a file
The file will appear Eda tree in Explorer view.
Option 2. Filter files by regular expression
Open workspace settings in JSON
Command Palette (Ctrl(Cmd)-Shift-P) > Preferences: Open Workspace Settings (JSON)
Add patterns to eda.profiles as follows.
"eda.profiles": {
"default": {
"patterns": [
// includeFiles, excludeDirs and excludeFiles match against relative path.
// Files matching includeFiles will appear in Eda tree
"includeFiles": ["\\.ts$"],
// Files under directories matching excludeDirs will not appear in Eda tree.
// If your project contains a large number of files and it takes slow to scan files, this option helps you.
"excludeDirs": ["^\\.git/", "^node_modules/"],
// Files matching excludeFiles will not appear in Eda tree.
"excludeFiles": ["\\.d\\.ts$"]
Eda supports multiple profiles to switch filtered files.