Transform css/less code to styles with alt + shift + s key(for mac :option + shift + s).
Transform styles code to css with alt + shift + c key(for mac :option + shift + c).
Or transform your code with shift + command + P key, and choose the command you want to transform.
The following are all commands:
cssToStyle: Transform css/less To Styles,transform css/less to JSX style.
styleToCss: Transform Styles To Css,transform JSX style to css,which is the reverse process of first usage.
classNameToStyles:Transform ClassName To Styles,transform class-name to styles.className,eg:className='test-name' => className={styles.testName}.
stylesToClassName:Transform Styles To ClassName,which is the reverse process of third usage,eg:className={styles.testName} => className='test-name'.
cssToCamel:Transform Css To Camel Style,eg:.css-name {} => .cssName {}.
camelToCss:Transform Camel To Css Style,which is the reverse process of fifth usage,.eg:.cssName {} => .css-name {}.