How to use it
Search vscode-intl-javascript in vscode Market, then install it
Simple start (react)
create config file in project dir
install package
npm install vscode-intl-javascript react-intl-universal --save-dev
write config content
const ReactBabel = require('vscode-intl-javascript/out/plugins/react');
const ReactIntlUniversal = require('vscode-intl-javascript/out/plugins/react-intl-universal');
module.exports = (parser) => {
return {
langs: [
key: 'zh_CN',
name: '中文简体'
key: 'en_US',
name: '英文'
plugins: [
new ReactIntlUniversal({
defaultLang: 'zh_CN',
defaultFuncNameReg: /d/,
getFuncNameReg: /get|getHTML/
new ReactBabel()
Usage display
basic usage
replace already key
replace no right key
replace no right value
batch check dir
langs [array]
key: LangKey, // International file name
name: string, // Prompt text
color: string, // Prompt color when conditions are not met
check: boolean, // Whether to skip batch detection
type LangKey = 'zh_CN' | 'en_US' | 'zh_TW';
International file storage location
plug in mode 1
class ReactIntlUniversal {
apply(parser) {
// ...
new ReactIntlUniversal({
defaultLang: 'zh_CN',
defaultFuncNameReg: /d/,
getFuncNameReg: /get|getHTML/
plug in mode 2
// npm package : vscode-intl-javascript-plugin-XXX
export default class ReactIntlUniversal {
apply(parser) {
// ...
[require.resolve('vscode-intl-javascript-plugin-XXX'), {
optionA: 'XXX',
How to write a plugin
clone plugin template from github vscode-intl-javascript-plugin-template
// just reference the code in src/plugins
export default class {
apply(parser) {
Parser API
current parse file path
babelPresetHook [SyncWaterfallHook]
export default class {
apply(parser) {
parser.babelHooks.babelPresetHook.tap((presets) => {
return presets.concat([...]);
babelPluginHook [SyncWaterfallHook]
public webViewHooks: {
htmlHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string]>, // webview html content
titleHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string]>, // webview title
headHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview head tag list
jsHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview head javascript tag list
metaHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview head meta tag list
cssHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview css tag list
bodyHtmlHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview body html list
btnHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview button list
bodyHeaderJsHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>,// webview body jsvascript list, before </body>
bodyFooterJsHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[]]>, // webview body jsvascript list, after <body>
listenerHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[WebviewListenerParams[]]>, // webview listener callback list
sendLangInfoHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[MessageInfoSendParams, BaseErrorNode, Parser?]>, // webview postmessage params
vueHooks: {
createdHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[string[][]]>, // webview vue create event callbacks
methodsHook: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[WebviewListenerParams[]]>, // webview vue methods property
updateKeyInLang(param: UpdateParam): void;
checkKeyInLang(key: string, lang: LangKey, text?: string): {
exist: boolean;
ananimous: boolean;
getValueKeyInLang(value: string, lang: LangKey): string | null;
checkKey(key: string, text?: string): CheckResult;
getValueKey(value: string): CheckResult;
storeKeyAndValues(addParams: StorageAddParams[]): Promise<void>;
writeLangKeysToFile(langLey: LangKey, keys: {
[key: string]: string;
}, isWhoile?: boolean): void;
storeKeyAndValue(addParam: StorageAddParams): void;
getKeyInLang(key: string, lang: LangKey): string;
localeDir: string
getFirstLangKey(): LangKey;
getTempDir(configFile: string | null): Promise<string>; // temp file dir
register new service
registerService(serviceName: keyof ParserService, serviceObj: any): void;
getService<T extends keyof ParserService>(serviceName: T): ParserService[T];
Plugin list
built-in plugins
react babel parser plugin
const ReactBabel = require('vscode-intl-javascript/out/plugins/react');
// file: intl.config.js
plugins: [
new ReactIntlUniversal({
defaultLang: 'zh_CN',
defaultFuncNameReg: /d/,
getFuncNameReg: /get|getHTML/
new ReactBabel(),
const ReactIntlUniversal = require('vscode-intl-javascript/out/plugins/react-intl-universal');
// file: intl.config.js
plugins: [
new ReactIntlUniversal({
defaultLang: 'zh_CN',
defaultFuncNameReg: /d/,
getFuncNameReg: /get|getHTML/
new ReactBabel(),
other plugins
alibaba(It can only be used inside the company)
- [ ] vue plugin
- [ ] angular plugin
- [ ] more hooks
group dingding(钉钉群): 32965438