TestCafe Test Runner for Visual Studio Code
TestCafe is a pure Node.js end-to-end framework for testing web apps. This extension allows you to run TestCafe tests directly from VS Code.
- Run a particular test, fixture, all tests in a file or directory via the context menu or built-in commands
- Automatically detect browsers installed on the local machine
- Repeat last test run
- Debug tests
- View test results in the
Debug Console

TestCafe should be installed in your project as a local package. To install it, use the npm install testcafe
For Mac OS, add TestCafe
to dependencies in your package.json
file. Your project should contain TestCafe modules in node_modules\testcafe\...
This is only required if you would like the option to use the TestCafe Live runner in place of
TestCafe. Note that TestCafe Live depends on TestCafe, but they are separate repositories. In other words, you need to install both TestCafe and TestCafe Live if you wish to use the TestCafe Live runner.
Use the npm install testcafe-live
How to install extension
Install the TestCafe Test Runner extension from VS Code Marketplace as described in the VS Code documentation.
While activating, the extension detects browsers installed on your machine. For each browser, the extension creates a corresponding command and an item in the context menu.

Running a particular test
To run a particular test, invoke the context menu when the cursor is placed within the test body and select TestCafe: Run Test(s) in...
for the required browser.
Running a particular test fixture
To run all tests in a particular test fixture, invoke the context menu when the cursor is placed within this fixture outside of a test body and select TestCafe: Run Test(s) in...
for the required browser.
Running all tests in a file
To run all tests in the current file, invoke the context menu for this file in the Explorer panel and select TestCafe: Run Test(s) in...
for the required browser.

Running all tests in a folder
To run all test files in a folder, invoke the context menu for this folder in the Explorer panel and select TestCafe: Run Test(s) in...
for the required browser.
Rerunning previous tests
If you need to run the same set of tests you ran previously, invoke the context menu and select Repeat Previous Test Run
. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Alt+P
This command is available after the first test run.
Test Debugging
To debug your test, place the debugger
statement in test code and run this test via one of the commands. Test execution will be stopped once it reaches the debugger
statement and you will be able to continue step-by-step.

Test Result
You can view a test run report in the Debug console

Update browser list
When you install a new browser or delete an existing one, update the extension's browser list. To do this, use the TestCafe: Refresh Browser List
command or the Ctrl+Alt+U
Commands and shortcuts
To run built-in commands, press Ctrl+Shift+P
and type the command name:
- TestCafe: Run Test(s) in IE, TestCafe: Run Test(s) in Chrome, ... - runs a test or fixture at the cursor position in the specified browser.
- TestCafe: Repeat Previous Test Run (
) - reruns a set of tests that was run previously.
- TestCafe: Refresh Browser List (
) - refreshes the list of installed browsers.
- testcafeTestRunner.customArguments - Specifies the custom arguments of the TestCafe Command Line Interface. See the whole list of available arguments in the TestCafe documentation. The arguments should be separated by space.
- The value of this configuration property will be joined to the standard arguments list generated by this extension.
- Example:
"testcafeTestRunner.customArguments": "--speed 0.1"
- testcafeTestRunner.workspaceRoot - Specifies a relative path to the folder which contains the node_modules folder with the testcafe package. Use this setting if the test files are located in a nested folder with its own node_modules subdirectory. Default value is
"testcafeTestRunner.workspaceRoot": "./acceptance"
- testcafeTestRunner.useLiveRunner - Specifies which testcafe runner to use (TestCafe Live or TestCafe). Default value is
"testcafeTestRunner.userLiveRunner": true
- testcafeTestRunner.useHeadlessMode - Run tests in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox without any visible UI shell. Default value is
"testcafeTestRunner.useHeadlessMode": true
- testcafeTestRunner.portableFirefoxPath or testcafeTestRunner.portableChromePath - Specifies a path to the portable Chrome's or Firefox's executable file. The corresponding commands will become available if these options are specified;
"testcafeTestRunner.portableFirefoxPath": "C:\Program Files (x86)\Firefox Portable\firefox.exe"