cfgoto README
This is an extension for CFML to easily navigate to the cfml component defintions and cfm templates
Go To Definition
Open the CFM templates/CFC components in the line of cursor.
For example if there is tag like below
<cfinclude template="globals.cfm">
Pressing Ctrl+F1 will open the template globals.cfm
Win/Linux: Ctrl+F1
; Mac: Cmd+F1
Similarly it works at following places
component implements = 'MyProject.interface.Handler'
will open MyProject/interface/Handler.cfc
component extends = "components.xmlrpc.Service" auth = "none" {
will open components/xmlrpc/Service.cfc
component extends = 'MixInBase' {
will open MixInBase.cfc
var configuration = new components.configuration.Manager('api.xmlrpc');
will open components\configuration\Manager.cfc
var defaults = new DefaultValues();
will open DefaultValues.cfc
property name = 'reporter' inject = 'components.error.errorfunctions';
if you keep the cursor in anywhere in name of your component components.error.errorfunctions and pressing Ctrl+F1 will take you to the component. This works anywhere a component name is in single quoted or double quoted string.
Release Notes
Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.
Initial release of CFML GoTo ...
added Line parser to find a component if it is mentioned in a quoted string
added Line parser to find a component if it is mentioned in a quoted string