This is the README for the "vscode-rjsx" extension
#Before you are able to use this
run gradle customBuild in rjsxlanguageserver folder
make sure myinternet server is running
make sure you choose rjsx as a language inside VS Code
This folder contains a sample VS code extension that demonstrates an extension that runs a language server
The extension observes all 'plaintext' documents (documents from all editors not associated with a language)
and uses the server to provide validation and completion proposals.
The code for the extension is in the 'client' folder. It uses the 'vscode-languageclient' node module to launch the language server.
The language server is located in the 'server' folder.
How to run locally
npm install to initialize the extension and the server
npm run compile to compile the extension and the server
open this folder in VS Code. In the Debug viewlet, run 'Launch Client' from drop-down to launch the extension and attach to the extension.
create a file test.txt, and type typescript. You should see a validation error.
to debug the server use the 'Attach to Server' launch config.