vscode-cyagen is based on the same idea as cyagen but realized as a vscode extension.
File generator to reduce the manual efforts to prepare another scripting files which contains C code identifiers from a given C source file. The default embedded templates are to generate GoogleTest scripts.
Scan C source file using the simple pattern matching to capture its identifiers in the code
Generate text based files by rendering the given set of template files (*.njk, in nunjucks format).
Supported identifiers are inclusion, local variables, and functions; refer to cyagen
Demo: to generate the Google Test skeleton files to test a C file which is active in editor.
Tip: The default template set for Google Test provides the full fledged cmake build scripts but this cmake project is compatible only with Unix-like system.
Tip: you can prepare your own template set by adding an entry in vscode-cyagen.templates.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
vscode-cyagen.templates: the array of template set; every set has to have the below settings
label: the name or label for this set; to be displayed as a selection option when trying to generate. e.g., gtest or cantata; this extension doesn't include the template set for cantata but you can complete by referring to gtest ones.
templateFolder: the template folders containing template files to be used for file generation.
All the template files should be compatible with nunjucks format and .njk file extension.
The template folder can be recursive; you can have sub folders for further template files; the same structure of folders to be created as output.
@sourcename@ in template file or folder name: to be replaced with source file name without file extension
outputFolder: the output root folder where the generated files are placed.
vscode-cyagen.localStaticVariableMacroName: the user defined macro name string which is used for the definition of a local static variable. e.g., LOCAL_STATIC_VARIABLE. Using this special macro, it makes test script access to local static variable. more details are found in README.md generated with gtest
Known Issues
No known issues yet
Release Notes
fix error in parsing argument list with array pattern like 'int arg[]'
new command: vscode-cyagen.openTargetSource
new configuration: vscode-cyagen.currentTargetSource
add reveal template folder command
open template folder with new instance
fix wrong capture with the pattern typedef struct {}