C# HelperFunctions are intended to be called using keyboard shortcuts (or command search dropdown), hence no mouse menus. There are no default keyboard shortcuts, you can set them yourself searching for Inject Dependency (C#)
Provides search input for finding *.cs files, adds selected file name to constructor, creates private readonly field, formats constructor on separate lines if it has more than one parameter. Constructor will be created if it doesn't exist. Create C# filesProvides prompt to select path, creates files from template. Files are created with correct namespace.
Embed selected text into a code block (C#)
Provides prompt to select template, surrounds selected text with template. Available templates:
Fix namespace (C#)
Corrects namespace in current file based on path to project. Fix filename (C#)
Renames file to match class name. Toggle Method Sync (C#)
Changes method signature to async and vice versa |