Copy Ruby Member ReferenceAllows copying the Ruby member reference under the cursor to the clipboard. It has a simple built-in regex-based parser that supports most common scenarios: modules, classes, instance methods, class methods and constants. Features
Keyboard shortcutNo keyboard shortcut is provided at the moment to prevent conflicts with other extensions. Suggested usage is via the command palette, typically pressing Cmd+Shift+P / Ctrl+Shift+P and typing the command name. Follow the keybindings documentation to map the Known IssuesSome class method definitions are not understood by the extension and might be copied as instance methods, these patterns include:
Parsing currently relies on proper indentation levels. Release NotesPlease see the changelog. Why another extension?Other existing extensions wouldn't cover scenarios that I needed and I wanted to have some fun writing my own extension and also used the opportunity learn Typescript. DevelopmentRunning tests