Support for more places to look for the config file
Put the commit message in the commit message in the source control input box on failure
Fixes some issues with skipQuestions in .cz-config.js
Click blue 'Conventional Commit' button in the Source Control view or open the command panel (ctrl+shift+p or command+shift+p) and type 'conventional commit'.
Select the command and answer the questions afterwards (type, scope, subject, body, breaking changes, closed issues).
After the closed issues the commit is done automatically.
Note: During answering the questions just hit ESCto cancel the commit.
To configure this extension follow cz-customizable and
create the required config file. This also read by this extension if configured.
To determine what config to use, the extention will look for a config file in the following places:
if commitizen.useGitRoot setting is set, then look for the config file .cz-config.js in the git root directory of the workspace
a .cz-config.js in the workspace directory
in package.json in the workspace directory to determine the path to the config file: