Wrapper for anglr-formatter for Visual Studio Code extension
anglr formatting
No special requirements
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
anglr.format.enable : Enable/disalbe Anglr formatter.
anglr.typescriptFormat.enable : Enable/disalbe Typescript formatter which runs on whole file before custom formatters.
anglr.importReorder.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr formatter import reordering.
anglr.callExpressionArgumentsFormatter.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr call expression arguments formatter.
anglr.constructorParameterFormatter.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr constructor formatter.
anglr.decoratorArgumentsFormatter.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr decorator arguments formatter.
anglr.importFormatter.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr import formatter.
anglr.localVersion.enable : Enable/disalbe automatic use of local node_modules version.
Known Issues
First experimental vscode extension
Release Notes
- now change of settings works also without reload of vscode
- added support for disabling typescript formatter
- formatter configuration
anglr.typescriptFormat.enable - Enable/disalbe Typescript formatter which runs on whole file before custom formatters.
- updated version of
anglr-formatter (fixed imports reordering)
- updated version of
- formatter configuration
anglr.callExpressionArgumentsFormatter.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr call expression arguments formatter.
anglr.constructorParameterFormatter.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr constructor formatter.
anglr.decoratorArgumentsFormatter.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr decorator arguments formatter.
anglr.importFormatter.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr import formatter.
anglr.localVersion.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic use of local node_modules version.
- first version of formatter, changes whole files
- allows disabling of formatter
anglr.format.enable , requires restart
- formatter configuration
anglr.importReorder.enable - Enable/disalbe automatic Anglr formatter import reordering.
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