waitList is a VSCode extension for managing daily to-do tasks. It allows users to create, edit, delete, mark tasks as completed or incomplete, and provides task sorting, searching, and reminder functions.
Create Task: Allows users to create new to-do tasks, including description, priority, and due date.
Display Tasks: Displays all to-do tasks in the sidebar.
Edit Task: Allows users to edit the description, priority, and due date of existing tasks.
Delete Task: Allows users to delete existing tasks.
Mark Task as Completed/Incomplete: Allows users to mark tasks as completed or incomplete.
Sort Tasks: Sorts tasks by priority or due date.
Search Tasks: Quickly searches for specific tasks.
Task Reminders: Reminds users when the task due date is approaching.
Sidebar View: Integrates a view in the sidebar for displaying and managing to-do tasks.
Shortcuts: Sets shortcuts for common operations to improve efficiency.
VSCode version 1.96.0 and above
Open VSCode.
Go to the Extensions view (press Ctrl+Shift+X).
Search for waitList and click Install.
Open the command palette (press Ctrl+Shift+P).
Enter and select one of the following commands:
waitList.createTask: Create Task
waitList.showTasks: Display Tasks
waitList.editTask: Edit Task
waitList.deleteTask: Delete Task
waitList.toggleTaskCompletion: Mark Task as Completed/Incomplete
waitList.sortTasks: Sort Tasks
waitList.searchTasks: Search Tasks
Ctrl+Alt+C: Create Task
Ctrl+Alt+S: Display Tasks
Ctrl+Alt+E: Edit Task
Ctrl+Alt+D: Delete Task
Ctrl+Alt+T: Mark Task as Completed/Incomplete
Ctrl+Alt+O: Sort Tasks
Ctrl+Alt+F: Search Tasks
Development Process
Use yo code to generate a new VSCode extension project.
Define commands and views in package.json.
Implement task creation, editing, deletion, marking as completed/incomplete, sorting, searching, and reminder functions in extension.js.
Use VSCode's TreeView API to integrate a view in the sidebar.
Use VSCode's notification API to implement task reminder functionality.
Use JSON files to persist task records.
Possible Future Additions
Task Sync: Sync tasks across multiple devices.
Task Tags: Add tags to tasks for better classification and management.
Task Export/Import: Allow users to export and import task lists.
Task Statistics: Provide statistics on task completion.
Custom Reminders: Allow users to set custom reminder times.
If you have any suggestions or find any issues, please submit an issue or pull request.