READMEFeaturesThis extension will do one thing, and one thing only. It will make sure to replace all tabs with defined number of spaces (editor.tabSize) on save (if tabs are present). Known IssuesNone that I know of. Why ?Since I'm a firm beleiver of using spaces instead of tabs, I wan't to make sure that none of my files contains any tabs. Funnily enough I can't seem to find a way for VS Code to do this automatically (not without me manually calling editor.action.indentationToSpaces with some sort of keyboard shortcut, and not even then all tabs are removed (ie. blocks that are commented are ignored)). Is it really that important ?Probably not, but since I really dislike tabs, I have them colored in an annoying color, which is, yes annoying. So to get rid of that annoyance I wrote this extension. How about the inbuilt support ?Well that's the thing, even if you set
and then open a file that is tab-indented (god forbid), edit it and press save (or autosave which I hope you have enabled), the file will be saved with current tabs (if you don't explicitly call editor.action.indentationToSpaces by a keyboard shortcut, or manually delete the tabs and add new ones). And even then, as mentioned above, tabs within commented lines are ignored. New tabs will be replaced by spaces if you have the settings above. CaveatsEven if you have the settings mentioned above, VS Code will ignore those on certain file types (ignore is is the wrong word, the settings are simply overridden by language specific settings that makes sense for that particular language), ie.
Which kind if makes sense in a way I guess (and if you absolutely want to, you can override that by defining the above settings specifically for that language). Which however doesn't make sense since makefiles wont work without tabs, and for go you probably use gofmt which will convert the spaces to tabs. ¯\(ツ)/¯ Release Notes1.2.4