Snippet bundle for core extension.
This is a collection of core snippets for Visual Studio Code. It includes core, razor, appsettings, C# and other associated snippets required for complete core development.

A set of snippets including:
| Controller Snippet |
| Command--> HomeController |
| Program File Snippet |
| Command--> ProgramFile |
| Command--> ProgramFile-Full |
| Startup File Snippet |
| Command--> startup |
| MVC Action Snippets |
| Command--> mvc-core-action |
| Command--> mvc-core-get |
| Command--> mvc-core-post |
| Command--> mvc-core-put |
| Command--> mvc-core-delete |
| MVC Async Action Snippets |
| Command--> mvc-core-async-action |
| Command--> mvc-core-get-async |
| Command--> mvc-core-post-async |
| Command--> mvc-core-put-async |
| Command--> mvc-core-delete-async |
| Middleware Snippets |
| Command--> mvc-core-custom-middleware |
| Command--> middleware-interface |
| App Snippets |
| Command--> app-use |
| Command--> app-run |
| Command--> app-use-defaultfiles |
| Command--> app-use-staticfiles |
| Command--> app-use-directory-browser |
| Command--> app-connection-string |
| Command--> app-map |
| Command--> program-main |
| Command--> dbcontext-ef |
| Command--> dbContext-UseSqlServer |
| Command--> dbContext-UseInMemoryDatabase |
| Command--> services-add-mvc |
| Command--> services-add-mvc-json-converters |
| Command--> services-add-mvc-json-options |
| Command--> services-add-mvc-json-camel |
| Command--> services-add-spastaticfiles |
| Command--> services-add-transient-interface |
| Command--> service-add-transient-with-class |
| Command--> services-add-scoped |
| Command--> services-add-singleton |
| Command--> services-add-singleton |
| Command--> services-add-singleton(new T()) |
| Command--> services-add-singleton-factory |
| Command--> app-use-spa |
| Command--> appsettings |
Razor Snippets
As part of built in snippet bundle, razor is already supported by default in .cshtml pages. You just need to type starting @ and you will get all razor syntax with their usage.
You can install the extension by visiting the store at:
Or just typing this command in Visual Studio Core:
ext install Csharp-ASPNETCore
You can also reach me at