Flamegraphs with hyperlinks and inline profiling results in VS Code.
This is an early version of the extension and is still under active development. Currently only py-spy generated profiles are supported but support for other formats is planned.
Flamegraph: Profile active file with py-spy - Profile the active file with py-spy and display the results inline.
Flamegraph: Load Profile - Load a profile from a file. Currently only py-spy profiles are supported.
Flamegraph: Toggle Inline Profile - Show or hide the inline profile bars.
Flamegraph: Show - Open a new tab showing the flamegraph.
Install py-spy: pip install py-spy
Profile your code by running the Flamegraph: Profile active file with py-spy command.
A new tab will open with the flamegraph and profiled timing info will be shown inline in the editor for all files where samples were recorded. Cmd + Click (or Ctrl + Click on Windows/Linux) on any element in the flamegraph to navigate to the corresponding file and line in the editor.
# Install dependencies for both the extension and webview UI source code
npm run install:all
# Build webview UI source code
npm run build:webview
Then, in VS Code
Press F5 to open a new Extension Development Host window
Inside the host window, open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and type Flamegraph: Profile active file with py-spy