Cody Prompt Pusher is a Visual Studio Code extension that enhances your workflow with Sourcegraph's Cody by allowing you to easily add files and folders to Cody Chat through the context menu.
In VS Code, go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X)
Click on the "..." menu at the top of the Extensions view
Select "Install from VSIX..." and choose the downloaded file
Adding Single or Multiple Files
Select one or more files in the VS Code Explorer
Right-click and select "Add to Cody Chat"
Files will be added to your current Cody Chat session
Adding Entire Folders
Right-click on any folder in the VS Code Explorer
Select "Add to Cody Chat"
The extension will:
Scan the folder recursively for all files
Skip excluded patterns (e.g., node_modules)
Show progress while collecting and processing files
Adding All Open Editor Tabs
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
Type "Add Open Tabs to Cody Chat"
All currently open text files will be added to your Cody Chat session
Progress Tracking
See real-time progress notifications
View which file is currently being processed
Cancel the operation at any time
Access settings through:
Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P)
Type "Preferences: Open Settings (UI)"
Search for "Cody Prompt Pusher"
Available settings:
// Delay between processing files (in milliseconds)
"codyPromptPusher.delayBetweenFiles": 200,
// Maximum number of files to process at once
"codyPromptPusher.maxFilesAtOnce": 15,
// Show progress notification while processing files
"codyPromptPusher.showToastNotification": true,
// Patterns to exclude when scanning folders
"codyPromptPusher.excludePatterns": ["node_modules", ".git", "dist", "build", ".next", ".vscode"]
Configuration Details
Time to wait between processing files
Maximum number of files to process in one operation
Show success notification for each file
Patterns to skip when scanning folders
["node_modules", ...]
Visual Studio Code 1.60.0 or higher
Sourcegraph Cody extension installed and configured
Known Issues
Large folders may take some time to scan
Processing many files at once may impact performance
Fork the repository
Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature)
Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add amazing feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin feature/amazing-feature)
Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.