FH-remote-install READMEBasically, FH-remote-install will automate, for every feedhandler project in the active workspace the following:
Requirementssshpass is required to use this extension. Extension SettingsOnce the plugin installed, you need to check if default setting are good. (Cltr+,) How does It workOpen Command Patette (Cltr+Shift+P): and tape "Configure Remote Install" If every thing is going well, you will see the following info message: Check that in every project in the active workspace there is a new file created : .vscode/tasks.json Now if you tape Terminal->Run Build Task(Cltr+Alt+B),you will see diffrents build for every project. If we click on cme_mdp3, thebuild is lauched as follow and thecompilation began: Once the compilation is done, A new list of production server is displayed, In this demo, we choose the instance CME_CBOT_FUTURES_HW_SPEC:aurcme-fh101102 A copy of the production instance is installed on the rnd server. Now steps of automatic Quantflow will be applied. |