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Quingo Extension
A VSCode Extension for Quingo Language.
syntax highlight
basic communications with a quingo-lsp-server
and so on ...
Now you can download the upcoming '.vsix' file in the vsix
folder, then install it to VSCode manually.
Also you can use this extension from source code:
cd /path/to/extensions,进入VSCode的插件目录,各系统默认位置(有些在.vscode-server目录)如下:
[Windows] %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions
[macOS] ~/.vscode/extensions
[Linux] ~/.vscode/extensions
git clone https://gitee.com/oculum/quingo-vscode.git
cd quingo-vscode && npm install && npm run esbuild
Restart your Visual Studio Code
Dependencies require compatible with version in package.json
Nodejs > 14.15.0
Visual Studio Code > 1.52.0
Some configuration options in package.json
The server mode switch: "on" or "off".
If you don't have an executable quingo-lsp-server, you can set the "default" key to "off".
The path to the quingo-lsp-server executable.
You can also config the executable to your PATH environment variable.
You can use quingo-lsp-server -h
to see the arguments of this command.