Igor Pro Syntax Highlighting in Visual Studio CodeOver 429 installs to date, with 5-star rating. Tested with Igor Pro 8 and all basic theme packs, should work with all versions. For best results on every theme pack:If you notice your results aren't perfect and you're using a relatively unknown theme pack consider following these steps.
igor.tmLanguage is based on https://github.com/byte-physics/language-igor . comments: considered invalid scope for the bright red color strings: considered within the comment scope for the green color keywords: "if, else.." have been fixed and show up blue. are within keyword scope. igor functions: placed within string.regexp scope for that muted red color APMath and MatrixOP: same as igor functions. Igor operations: under constant.numeric scope for that light green/blue. User-defined functions: falls under constant.regexp for the purple color, includes #pragmas. **Note: User defined functions are optionally highlighted in igorpro, I found it helpful to keep them highlighted here.