Name | Description |
runOnSave.statusMessageTimeout |
Specify the default timeout milliseconds after which the status bar message will hide, default value is 3000 , means 3 seconds. |
runOnSave.ignoreFilesBy |
Specifies it to ignore files that list in .gitignore or .npmignore . default value is empty list. |
runOnSave.shell |
Specify in which shell the commands are executed, defaults to the default vscode shell. |
runOnSave.defaultRunIn |
Specify default commands[].runIn for all the commands, defaults to backend if not specified. |
runOnSave.onlyRunOnManualSave |
Whether to only run commands when a file is manually saved, defaults to false . |
runOnSave.commands |
Specify the array of commands to execute and related info, its child options as below. |
Command Options
Note, languages
, match
, globMatch
work like filter, if specifies more than one, command must match all then can run. So normally specifying one of them would be enough.
Name | Description |
commands[].languages |
Specify an array of language ids to filter commands, when language matches command will run. |
commands[].match |
Specify RegExp source string, files which's path match will be included. E.g.: \\.scss$ can used to match scss files. |
commands[].notMatch |
Specify RegExp source string, files which's path match will be excluded even they were included by match or globMatch . E.g.: [\\\\\\/]_[\\w-]+\\.scss$ can be used to exclude scss library files. |
commands[].globMatch |
Specify a glob expression, to match the whole file path or the relative path relative to current workspace directory. the matched files will be included. E.g.: **/*.scss will match all scss files, *.scss will match all scss files located in current workspace directory. |
commands[].command |
Specify the shell command to execute. You may include variable substitution like what to do in VSCode Tasks. |
commands[].commandBeforeSaving |
Same as commands , but runs it before saving action happens, and document is not saved yet. |
commands[].args |
Specify the command parameters, can be a string, array of string, or an object. |
commands[].forcePathSeparator |
Force path separator in variable substitution to be / , \\ , default is not specified. |
commands[].async |
All the commands with async: false will run in a sequence, means run next after previous completed. Default value is true . |
commands[].runningStatusMessage |
Specify the status bar message when the shell command begin to run, supports variable substitution too. Only works when runIn=backend . |
commands[].finishStatusMessage |
Specify the status bar message after the shell command finished executing, also supports variable substitution. Only works when runIn=backend . |
commands[].statusMessageTimeout |
Specify the timeout milliseconds of current message, after which the status bar message will hide, default value is 3000 , means 3 seconds. |
commands[].terminalHideTimeout |
Specify the timeout in milliseconds after which the terminal for running current command will hide. Only works when runIn=terminal . If default value is -1 , set it as a value >=0 can make it work. |
commands[].workingDirectoryAsCWD |
Specify the vscode working directory as shell CWD (Current Working Directory). Only works when runIn=backend . |
commands[].clearOutput |
Clear the output channel before running current command. Default value is false . |
commands[].doNotDisturb |
By default, output tab would get focus after receiving non-zero exit codes. Set this option to true can prevent it. Only works when runIn=backend . |
commands[].runIn |
See list below. Default value is specified by runOnSave.defaultRunIn , or vscode . |
: Run command silently and show messages in output channel, you can specify runningStatusMessage and finishStatusMessage to give you a little feedback. Choose this when you don't want to be disturbed.terminal
: Run command in vscode terminal, which keeps message colors. Choose this when you want to get feedback details.vscode
: Run vscode's command. Choose this if you want to execute vscode's own command or a command of a particular extension.
Sample Configuration
"runOnSave.statusMessageTimeout": 3000,
"runOnSave.commands": [
// Match scss files except names start with `_`.
"match": ".*\\.scss$",
"notMatch": "[\\\\\\/]_[^\\\\\\/]*\\.scss$",
"command": "node-sass ${file} ${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.css",
"runIn": "backend",
"runningStatusMessage": "Compiling ${fileBasename}",
"finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} compiled"
// Match less files except names start with `_`.
"globMatch": "**/[^_]*.less",
"command": "node-sass ${file} ${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}.css",
"runIn": "terminal"
// Match any python files by path.
"match": ".*\\.py$",
"command": "python.runLinting",
"runIn": "vscode"
// Match any python files by language id.
"languages": ["python"],
"command": "python.runLinting",
"runIn": "vscode"
Variable Substitution
Can be used in command
, runningStatusMessage
, finishStatusMessage
, globMatch
Note that if forcePathSeparator
specified, separators in these variables will be replaced.
Variable | Description |
${workspaceFolder} |
the path of the folder opened in VS Code. |
${workspaceFolderBasename} |
the name of the folder opened in VS Code without any slashes (/). |
${file} |
the path of current opened file. |
${fileBasename} |
the basename part of current opened file. |
${fileBasenameNoExtension} |
the basename part without extension of current opened file. |
${fileExtname} |
the extension part of current opened file. |
${fileRelative} |
the shorter relative file path part from current vscode working directory. |
${fileDirname} |
the dirname path part of current opened file. |
${fileDirnameBasename} |
the basename of dirname path part of current opened file. |
${fileDirnameRelative} |
the shorter relative dirname path part from current vscode working directory. |
${cwd} |
the task runner's current working directory on startup. |
${userHome} |
current user's system home directory. |
${lineNumber} |
number of active line in vscode editor. |
${selectedText} |
selected text in vscode editor. |
${execPath} |
absolute pathname of the vscode process. |
${defaultBuildTaskName} |
default build task name of current project. |
${pathSeparator} |
path separator based on system. |
${env:envName} |
reference environment variable envName . |
${config:vsConfigName} |
reference vscode configuration name vsConfigName . |
${command:vsCommandName} |
execute vscode command vsCommandName , and reference returned result. |
To better distinguish file path associated variables, assume you have opened a workspace located at /Users/UserName/ProjectName
, and you are editing folderName/subFolderName/fileName.css
inside of it, then:
Variable | Value |
${workspaceFolder} |
/Users/UserName/ProjectName |
${workspaceFolderBasename} |
ProjectName |
${file} |
/Users/UserName/ProjectName/folderName/subFolderName/fileName.css |
${fileBasename} |
fileName.css |
${fileBasenameNoExtension} |
fileName |
${fileExtname} |
css |
${fileRelative} |
folderName/subFolderName/fileName.css |
${fileDirname} |
/Users/UserName/ProjectName/folderName/subFolderName |
${fileDirnameBasename} |
subFolderName |
${fileDirnameRelative} |
folderName/subFolderName |
The following commands are exposed in the command palette
Run On Save: Enable
- to enable the extensionRun On Save: Disable
- to disable the extension
This plugin inspired from these 2 plugins:
vscode-runonsave and vscode-save-and-run.