This snippets extension is contains a lot of vue3 / vuex /vue-router composition api shortscuts
For example :
- Vue Composition Component(vcc)
- Vue Option Component(voc)
- Vue prop shortcuts
Prefix |
JavaScript Snippet Content |
prop |
{type: ,default: } |
propBoolean |
{type: Boolean,default: false} |
propNumber |
{type: Number,default: } |
propString |
{type: String,default: ''} |
propArray |
{type: Array,default: () => []} |
propObject |
{type: Object,default: ()=>({})} |
- more shortcuts
Prefix |
JavaScript Snippet Content |
reactive |
const state = reactive({}) |
inject |
const name = inject('name', name)) |
provide |
provide('', ) |
obm/onBeforeMounted |
onBeforeMounted(() => {}) |
om/onMounted |
onMounted(() => {}) |
obu/onBeforeUpdate |
onBeforeUpdate(() => {}) |
obum/onBeforeUnmount |
onBeforeUnmount(() => {}) |
oum/onUnmounted |
onUnmounted(() => {}) |
od/onDeactivated |
onDeactivated(() => {}) |
oa/onActivated |
onActivated(() => {}) |
oec/onErrorCaptured |
onErrorCaptured(() => {}) |
ort/onRenderTriggered |
onRenderTriggered(() => {}) |
watch |
watch(()=> , () => {}) |
watchi |
watch(()=> , () => {}, { immediate: true }) |
we/watchEffect |
watchEffect(() => {}) |
wpe/watchPostEffect |
watchPostEffect(() => {}) |
wse/watchSyncEffect |
watchSyncEffect(() => {}) |
Prefix |
JavaScript Snippet Content |
us/useStore |
const store = useStore() |
sc/storeCommit |
store.commit() |
ss/storeState |
store.state |
sg/storeGetters |
store.getters |
sd/storeDispatch |
store.dispatch() |
useRouter |
const router = useRouter() |
useRoute |
const route = useRoute() |
useLink |
const { } = useLink() |
rr/routerReplace |
router.replace() |
Known Issues
Release Notes
Initial release of vue3 snippets
| |