lzysnippets READMEsnippets for lazy coders html snippets$sty - add link to stylesheet $hol - add a link that opens in a new tab (but uses noopener to avoid reverse tabnabbing) javascript snippets$ll Write an ES6 let function by typing $ll. The cursor will be initially located inside a comment previous to the function. Once you've written appropriate comment, tabbing will take you through: the space for the variable name, arguments, the return statement, and finally leave you after the function. $lc Write an ES6 const function with same functionality as above in the return statement by typing $lc This is used in the same way as $ll above $cl - Console.log $cls - Console.log a string $ct - Console.trace $cts - Console.trace a string FutureThe selection of snippets are pretty small at the moment, though I will over time add others. [1.2.0]
1.0.0Initial release of lzysnippets |