Supports running Love2D projects directly from VSCode.
Intellisense for the Love2D API.
Command for opening Love2D web help for Love2D function under the cursor
Ability to toggle auto re-running Love2D project on save
Ability to debug print() statements in a separate cmd line window (Windows OS only)
Press F1
in VSCode, type ext install
and then look for pixelbyte-love2d
- Run Love2D on the current project folder:
- NOTE: YOU CAN CHANGE THESE KEYS IN File->Preferences->Settings
Win: {"key": "Alt+L,", "command":""}
MacOS: {"key": "cmd+L,", "command":""}
- Toggle the run Love2D on save feature:
Win: {"key": "Ctrl+Alt+L,", "command":"pixelbyte.love2d.runOnsave.toggle"}
MacOS: {"key": "Ctrl+cmd+L,", "command":"pixelbyte.love2d.runOnsave.toggle"}
- Toggle showing the debug console on Love2D execution
{"key": "Ctrl+Shift+L,", "command":"pixelbyte.love2d.debug.toggle"}
- Open the Love2D help page for the function under the cursor
{"key": "F2", "command":""}
Available Settings
- Set the path to the Love2D executable:
- Change these in File->Preferences->Settings
"pixelbyte.love2d.path" : "C:\Program Files\Love\love.exe"
- Show debug console (Windows only):
"pixelbyte.love2d.debug": true
"pixelbyte.love2d.runOnSave" : false
- Change the default search directory for main.lua from the project root to the given relative directory
"pixelbyte.love2d.srcDir" : "src"