ROS Snippets
A collection of ROS (Robot operating system) snippets.
Snippets list for launch files:
remap - Declare a name remapping,
param - Set a parameter on the parameter server,
rosparam - Set ROS parameters for the launch,
rosparam file - Set ROS parameters for the launch with rosparam file,
node compact wrapped - Minimal node tag in one line,
node compact - Minimal node tag with body,
node complex wrapped - Node tag in one line with more parameters,
node complex - Node tag with body and more parameters,
arg - Declare an argument,
launch - Root element of every launchfile,
include wrapped - Include another launchfile in one line,
include - Include another launchfile,
tf - Static transform publisher node,
group - Group with namespace.
Snippets list for python files:
subscriber - ROS subscriber,
publisher - ROS publisher,
rosnode template - Python template for ROS node implementation,
timer - ROS periodic function call,
param - Get ROS param.
service server - Service server handler
service client - Service client handler
service wait - Wait for service
service wait client - Service client handler with 'wait for service' and 'try/catch' wrapper
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