Image Preview Plus - Visual Studio Code Extension
forked from Image Preview , support for scss file
add postcss-url-patch plugin
about projectConfig
// projectConfig: Record<string, {
// urlPatch: Record<string, string>
// styleAlias: Record<string, string>
// additionStyle: string[]
// convert: string
// convertTest: string replace `convertTest` function with `convert` function and run it
// }>
"gutter-preview": {
"urlPatch": {
"rules": [
"base": "",
"styleAlias": {
"@": "gutter-preview",
"additionStyle": [
"@import '~@/theme/mixins.scss'",
"convert": "convert = (path) => { return '' + path};",
"convertTest": "getUrlPath"
urlPatch is used for postcss-url-patch plugin
styleAlias is the path alias
styleAlias: {
"@": "gutter-preview"
additionStyle can be used to add global style for style file
"additionStyle": [
"@import '@/theme/mixins.scss'",
Shows image preview in the gutter and on hover
It looks like this
search [image preview plus] in vscode
Change Log
- 0.30.0
- Update changelog
- Update dependencies
- Fix reference lookup based resolution
- Resolve Data URIs within quoted strings as well
- 0.29.0
- Add new configuration property 'gutterpreview.imagePreviewMaxWidth'
- By definining it to any value > 0, it will be used to set the width of the image.
Note that the image might overflow the hover preview.
- 0.28.1
- Fixed extension initialization without a workspace
- 0.28.0
- Add file size to hover preview
- Reorver lines in preview
- Update changelog
- Update dependencies
- 0.27.1
- 0.27.0
- Update dependencies
- Fix temp file related issues
- 0.26.2
- 0.26.1
- Update vscode engine version to 1.44.0
- 0.26.0
- Support for paths with spaces in markdown's image syntax (contribution by @episage)
- 0.25.0
- Add "Open Containing Folder" link to hover message
- 0.24.0
- Skip style injection for svg-s if currentColorForSVG is set to empty string
- 0.23.0
- Added webp to acceptedExtensions (contribution by @Afsar-Pasha)
- 0.22.3
- Fix handling of special characters in URIs
- 0.22.2
- 0.22.1
- Remove unnecessary files from the package
- 0.22.0
- Use webpack to bundle the extension
- Update to vscode@1.37.0
- Check CancellationToken while collecting resource references
- 0.21.1
- Disable reference resolution by default
- 0.21.0
- Show images defined in constant classes
- 0.20.0
- Add currentColor configuration support for SVGs
- 0.19.5
- Fix data uri handling (contribution by @rafaelkendy)
- 0.19.4
- Prepend file protocol to image url in the hover preview (bug fix for Remote - WSL)
- 0.19.3
- Add special case extracting urls from between braces for latex
- 0.19.2
- Downgrade vscode-languageclient and -server to 5.21
- 0.19.1
- 0.19.0
- Add ico to accepted extensions
- 0.18.0
- Add "Reveal in Side Bar" link to hover message
- 0.17.5
- Fix processing of js/tsconfig path section
- 0.17.4
- Ensure loadPathsFromTSConfig always returns at least an empty object
- Update runtime dependencies
- 0.17.3
- Fix and adjust loading of path aliases from js/tsconfig
- 0.17.2
- Remove trailing wildcard from js/tsconfig path mappings
- 0.17.1
- Add typescript as runtime dependency
- 0.17.0
- Add support for path aliases defined by config property or by js/tsconfig
- see path mapping in the typescript documentation for further details
Please note that a restart is necessary after changing the js/tsconfig.json.
- 0.16.5
- Replace probe-image-size with image-size
- 0.16.4
- 0.16.3
- Avoid repeated decorations when word wrapping is enabled
- 0.16.2
- Handle error explicitly when requesting resources from the network
- 0.16.1
- 0.16.0
- Fix image size calculation
- Fix image path handling under Windows
- Require vscode version 1.28.0
- Make use of ImageCache for faster image path verification
- Implement partial scan and proper cancellation token handling
- 0.15.3
- Skip lines longer than 20k when searching for potential links
- Fix runtime dependency issue (slash)
- 0.15.2
- Restore vscode.Uri based image handling for decorations
- 0.15.1
- Update dependencies
- Add scope for configuration properties
- 0.15.0
- Change casing of configuration options (by Orhan Sönmez)
- Add option (
gutterpreview.showUnderline ) to disable link like underline (by Orhan Sönmez)
- Use more flexible pattern for data url detection
- Fix path resolution for urls relative to the workspace folder
- 0.14.2
- Fix several windows compatiblity issues
- 0.14.1
- Add null checks around editor instances
- 0.14.0
- Remove onFileChange callback from ImageCache
- Fix throttledScan implementation
- Add recognizer for data Urls
- Reformat package json
- Add underline to recognized urls
- Dispose unused decorations
- Detect more than one url in a single line
- Use column metadata from recognizers
- Pass workspacefolder for the given document explicitly
- Remove superfluous recognizers
- Replace onLanguage activation events with '*'
- Move link search logic off the extension host
- Add localLinkRecognizer
- Add workspace.rootPath as fallback to RelativeToWorkspaceRootFileUrlMapper
- Simplify recognizer execution
- Reorganize variables
- Move temporary file handling to imagecache
- Simplify disposable handling
- Extract ImageCache
- Extract mappers and recognizers from extension.ts
- Add prettier along with husky to ensure consistent formatting
- Remove unused variables
- Remove unused dependency: base64-img
- Remove unused imports
- Add linkRecognizer
- Support hover preview in output tab
- Reformat extension.ts
- 0.13.1
- Avoid NPE for invalid URL's
- 0.13.0
- Add new configuration property 'gutterpreview.imagepreviewmaxheight'
- 0.12.2
- Only consider path name in file system based url mappers
- 0.12.1
- Adjust file lookup and add multi root support
- 0.12.0
- Avoid file locks by using temp files
- 0.11.4
- Support lookup in template strings
- 0.11.3
- Add missing protocol check
- 0.11.2
- Updated the python regex to account for lines with multiple strings
- 0.11.1
- Remove path separator replacements
- 0.11.0
- Added a python image filename recognizer
- 0.10.2
- Provide fallback for http hosted images
- 0.10.1
- Attempt to fix path join on macOS Sierra
- 0.10.0
- Add info about image size to hover preview
- Show hover preview without file type restriction
- 0.9.1
- Ignore workspace relative url mapper when there is no workspace at all
- 0.9.0
- Support images in markdown files
- 0.8.0
- Change Extension name to Image Preview
- Add option ("showimagepreviewongutter") to disable image preview on the gutter
- 0.7.2
- Set image height on supported vscode versions
- 0.7.1
- 0.7.0
- Add http scheme for // urls
- 0.6.2
- Run recognition also when the activeTextEditor is changed
- Fix image url detection RegExp
- 0.6.1
- Support old and new RenderOptions API
- 0.6.0
- 0.5.0
- Added "gutterpreview.sourcefolder" configuration variable
- 0.4.1
- Add image hover provider to scss files as well
- 0.4.0
- Add html to supported file types
- Dedupe recognized urls
- Format source code
- Add http/https url matcher
- Fix file url creation
- 0.3.0
- Support data URI's in hover widget
- 0.2.3
- VSCode engine dependency changed to allow further versions
- 0.2.2
- Hack is now unnecessary it was removed from the readme
- 0.2.1
- 0.2.0
- code restricted to work on css/scss/less files
- hacks removed
- 0.1.0
- Image preview shown on hover as well
- 0.0.3
- 0.0.2
- 0.0.1
Licensed under MIT
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