Print code. Print rendered Markdown. Local or remote. Windows, Mac or Linux. Print is more or less feature complete and has been fairly stable for a long time, so we've bumped the version to 1.0.0 and henceforth will use semantic versioning. This release adds a convenience for those using alternate browser path - if you enable Hot previewWhen you launch a preview of a Markdown document from the active editor, if you edit that file and stop making changes for three seconds, the proview will update in the browser. Hot preview also supports find-in-source. If you're proof-reading the rendered document and you find an error, double-clicking the paragraph will find and highlight the first line in the editor. You can adjust the settling delay in settings. Important - if you intend to use hot preview while editing diagrams in Markdown, set up a local Kroki server and configure Print to use it. If you fail to do this you will very quickly find yourself rate-limited by the public server. Cross-platform printingPrint-jobs are rendered as styled HTML and served from an embedded webserver. Your local web browser is launched to load the print-job and give you printing options like paper size, page orientation and margin size. So if you have a local browser that can print, and VS Code can launch it, you can print. Source codeClassic user experienceThe print and print preview icon are on the toolbar when there is an active editor. VS Code shows extension contributions according to the language of the active editor. No active editor means no icons (someone thought we should "fix" this). If you have a text selection that crosses at least one line-break you can right click and choose Or you can right-click on a file in the file explorer pane and choose Highly configurableThere are a number of settings. Most of them you just need to read the descriptions on the settings page, but we're old school and we wrote a manual. If things aren't going well, consider reading it. If you have first-use problems, the manual contains a troubleshooting guide. Some things you can configure:
Planned changes