Run Path Command is a VS Code extension that allows you to run a custom command on a specific path directly from your VS Code Explorer. This is particularly useful for running test suites or any other commands that you need to execute regularly on different directories.
Right click on any folder or file in the Explorer to run a custom command.
Set your custom command in the extension's settings.
Install the Run Path Command extension from the VS Code Marketplace.
Configure your custom command in VS Code settings. Go to Settings > Extensions > Run Path Command, and enter your command into the Command field.
Navigate to the Explorer, right-click on a folder or file, and select "Run Path Command". The command you configured will be run in a new terminal, with the path of the folder or file appended to the command.
The custom command can be configured in your VS Code settings:
runCommand.command: The command to run when the 'Run path command' option is clicked. For example, you can use "yarn test" or "npm run test". The path of the folder or file will be appended to this command.
If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for the extension, please file an issue in the GitHub repository.