"Post-Programming", after arguing with Techcrunch and Financial Times journalists on LinkedIn to the point of them losing their #startups, #metoo, and #coronavirus news trends credibility and their readers persecuting them for racial and sexual discrimination against me, is herein formally inscripted, on this day i.e. 16-April-2020, in the storms of COVID-19, as "Automata Autonomous Clélie Cloud"
## Pointfree
Launch: 'sea-fresh' as plugins/extensions for local/cloud instances of VS Code, diagrams.net, or JupyterLab
"Post-Programming" definition and its three fundamental laws are painted as 'homepage' of https://post-programming.com/. Taking it purely as an impressionist painting would yield its equivalence to "Un dimanche à la Grande Jatte" as mentioned by Itten in his book elements-of-color. So, please be gentle about dictionary multi-meaning of everything painted there.
Consider that snap as 'single source of truth for extrapolations of post-programming definition in banking, business, medicinal sciences, programming, or human interactions'.
Since such painting will neither impress you nor lend me any credibility on publishing, below three links are shortest implementation guidelines on "Post-Programming" to `nullify i.e. code collapse` modern tech:
Reading those links and understanding their effects on broad set of fields such as AI, ML, Web Apps, BI, Romance, Cancer Research etc. would still require some thorough journalist digging.
So, below is the link for zoombombing:
Reading coronation branch textual state and its hyperlinks would be enough grab for "Post-Programming".
Though that snap is still most complete painting of "Post-Programming", besides me.
Feel free to throw your doubts and communicate everything needed to publish me in your post-programming article.
* URLs have been edited to reflect hyperlink changes, afterwards for SEO