Remote Log Server README
Use your Visual Studio Code editor as a log destination. Creates no files on disk and works for remote logging too.
Press <CTRL+F12> to start a server, and connect to the server via telnet or socket programms sending text.
Example python code:
import socket
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
s.connect(('localhost', 8888))
s.send('Hello World\n'.encode())
You can also use telnet localhost 8888 from bash. Please note that the server does not run in line buffering mode so you can send partial lines.
- [CTRL+F12] to start the server
- [SHIFT+F12] to stop the server
- [F12] to toggle the server (pause/resume)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings: : The host address of the remote control server, default = 'localhost'.
RemoteLogServer.port : The tcp/ip port the remote control server listens to, default = 9527.
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