If missing, the extension will try to install it automatically.
In case of problem, try to install it manually by running the following command:
dotnet tool install fantomas-tool -g
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
fantomas.indent: set number of spaces for indentation (default = 4). The value should be between 1 and 10.
fantomas.pageWidth: set the column where we break to new lines (default = 80). The value should be at least 60.
fantomas.semicolonEOL: enable semicolons at the end of line (default = false).
fantomas.noSpaceBeforeArgument: disable spaces before the first argument of functions when there are parenthesis (default = true). For methods and constructors, there are never spaces regardless of this option.
fantomas.spaceBeforeColon: enable spaces before colons (default = false).
fantomas.noSpaceAfterComma: disable spaces after commas (default = true).
fantomas.noSpaceAfterSemiColon: disable spaces after semicolons (default = true).
fantomas.indentOnTryWith: enable indentation on try/with block (default = false).
fantomas.noSpaceAroundDelimiter: disable spaces after starting and before ending of lists, arrays, sequences and records (default = true).
fantomas.keepNewlineAfter: set the max length of any expression in an if expression before formatting on multiple lines (default = 40).
fantomas.maxIfThenElseShortWidth: set the max length of any expression in an if expression before formatting on multiple lines (default = 40).
fantomas.strictMode: enable strict mode (ignoring directives and comments and printing literals in canonical forms) (default = false).
Format on save is not working
Try to change setting "editor.formatOnSaveTimeout" to a higher value than 750 (e.g. 3000)