Just Files
Use just the files you need! 🤠📁
Avoid wasting time looking for a file among a large number of files or directories. Just Files helps you to select only the ones you need.
How does it work?
- Install the extension
- Open one or more folders in your workspace
- Open the Just File Explorer
- Two views are displayed: Files and Just Files
Files displays all your files from workspace
Just Files displays the files you selected to be displayed
- Add files to Just Files (review Add files section):
- In your explorer, right click on item and click on 'Add to Just Files'
- In Files view, click on show icon for add the file to Just Files view
- In tab, right click on item tab and click on 'Add to Just Files'
- Use the command
- In Just Files, you can open the files. If you want to remove from the view click on hide icon
- ✨ Enjoy your files ✨
Add files
Apart of using the icons, you have many options for add or remove files from Just Files View:
- Select multiple files and select the menu (You can click on one icon too):
Use commands:
Add: "cmd"+"y"
Remove: "cmd"+"alt"+"y"
All changes made in your workspace will be reflected in Files and JustFiles views in real time 🚀
Icon designed by Freepik: www.freepik.com
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