:warning: THIS EXTENSION HAS BEEN DEPRECATED AND MAY NO LONGER WORK THE WAY YOU EXPECT IT TO. An extension with similar functionality which is tailored to working with the Clojure(Script) library Par is slated be released in Feb '23. repl-replrepl-repl makes it dead simple to evaluate Clojurescript code directly from your editor. Instant feedback with syntax highlighting is delivered straight to your Chrome DevTools console. UsageThis extension is designed to be used in tandem with hot-reloading ClojureScript workflow and the par debugging macro. IMPORTANT: Make sure you have enabled custom formatters in Chrome DevTools. This is necessary because formatting and syntax highlighting of the evaluated code in Chrome DevTools Console relies on cljs-devtools.
Based on where the cursor is, you can do one of the following: Evaluate On Point Evaluate Current Form Evaluate Outermost Form Toggle js/console.log Wrap Toggle pprint Wrap Toggle Ignore Form Insert Print-And-Return Require Customize these keybindings to suit your needs. You can also access the commands above by opening the command pallette (
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